The goal and purpose of a jury trial is to have the verdict unknown until the end of the trial. In jury trials, there is the chance that there will be a fair verdict. In reality, generally the impression the witness makes is the most important factor in determining guilt , innocence or responsibility. If a Judge had rendered the verdict, Corasanti would in all likelihood been convicted of criminally negligent homicide as opposed to DUI. If he had been in front of a Military Tribunal, he would have been convicted. Why else are cases against the State only tried in front of a Judge of the Court of Claims? Cases against the Federal Government are tried in front of a Federal Judge. The rational is simple. They do not trust juries. Juries rarely follow the law or make decisions based upon the evidence. Corasanti is a productive member of society. He pays taxes. He’s not on Medicaid or Social Services. No significant purpose would be accomplished by putting him into prison or revoking his medical license and nothing will bring the girl back. Ergo, he is let off…
Categories: Personal Injury, Wrongful Death